The One Thing That Makes All the Difference in Your Career

If It’s Long, It’s Wrong; If It’s Tight, It’s Right.

Having too much time to do something can actually reduce your motivation, as you might procrastinate, overcomplicate, or lose focus on the task. It implies that setting shorter deadlines and limiting distractions can help you get more done in less time.

How to stop feeling like a fraud

Extinguish the imposter within

Pro tip: detaching my personal feelings, attachments, and sense of self-worth from my design work helps in accepting feedback with a good spirit, and minimizing any impact a failure or hiccup might present. Remember that whatever design I created is not my baby, rather a product of circumstances and available user insights I’ve had to work with at the time, it’s okay if someone says it’s ugly, I’d just iterate with fresh eyes.

Designing products with cat-like flexibility and witty efficiency

Break it down, build it up!

Modular design helps in creating experiences that are scalable, consistent, and cost-effective. By breaking down a product into smaller and simpler modules, we can reduce the complexity and interdependency of the system. This makes it easier to add new features, update existing ones, or remove unnecessary ones without affecting the whole product.

How To Design Better Dashboards

Empower proactivity and swift reactivity

Say you’re creating a platform used by service providers to deploy and manage a fleet of business continuity and backup devices, in this example you will need to be transparent about available capacity and expiring warranty agreements so your people can factor these costs into their annual budgets and business proposals. That’s one example of proactivity.

Undercover eXtravaganza

"Life is monotonous for a fisherman in love with poetry" - Anonymous, Greek Isles. c.500 BCE

Research in design is light at dawn , graciously shed on the artfully carved yet dark corners of a cold and mysterious Victorian palace, representing convoluted domains of knowledge and sophisticated professions with its intricate craftsmanship and impeccable details.
